Sunday, March 1, 2009

Title Pending out of Anger

So after that horrible incident in the Cogs, everyone got to chill at Evan's house for a week. It was pretty nice, kind of like being home again. Except we couldn't really leave. Then we noticed we hadn't seen Evanwroat for a while and 709 asked his "wife" about it. Turns out there is a party. That was way better then what I was expecting. I thought maybe he had retreated into an emo psychosis, turns out he just likes decorating. House d'Sivis probably throws a good party. We were all invited and told that is was a masquerade. You know who isn't? Merrix. You know why? Because he is a bitch who hunts down innocent socialites for no damn reason. So also we have gotta design something to wear before next week. Btw that gnome women has got some sorta problem with elves. She keeps giving me these dirty looks. What the hell.

Anyhow Urijah asks if there is something we can do to help and the wife says we can help catch some meat (um no thanks) or go track down the party favors. I think we unanimously decided on the favors. So she sent us off to the House d'Lyrander to see what happened. We immediately are contacted by a half-elf woman who informs us that the shipment was not only not here, but canceled by someone. Also she mistook us for movers, do I look like someone who moves things for other people? Apparently only being half an elf isn't enough to keep stupidity at bay. For this woman at least, so far as I know Skaeal is competent. She tells us that the airship with the favors is stopped in Ardev and we decide to go there as it is only about a day away. We return to tell Evan's wife that we are on the quest to find the stuff.

So then we got on this lightning rail to Wroat and someone picked up another someone from d'Phiarlan and had sex with her on the train. Apparently it was good enough to warrant a standing invitation to House d'Phiarlan. And if that someone does not stop talking about it she is going to find herself tied up and thrown in a ditch somewhere. And I know she could never get out of rope as well as I could.

After the rail we joined a caravan and beat the shit out of some Ankhegs that popped up from the sand. We demolished them in a few seconds and took their shells. We sold them to some shifters and druids Fenris hung out with when we camped the night before. So we made a few platinum which is always a plus. Yeah so it sounds all good and well right, except when we get there, the airship is nowhere in sight and we are told it has gone into Drooam, which is kind of ..... um bad. We decide to pursue it into Drooam and fall into the caravan of those shifters and druids from before. I'm not sure what to expect from Drooam, it isn't officially recognized as a country, which basically makes it pretty sketchy. But at least we will get to ride on an airship.


  1. I beg to differ.
    I can get out of rope in about three seconds....
    If you're going to tie me up, make sure it's some magic rope or something. I'm just sayin'.

  2. I'm just sayin' you have 0 ranks in escape and I have a +13 in binding.
